As the convening organization with the Shutdown Whiteman Airport Coalition, Pacoima Beautiful is calling on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to Shutdown Whiteman Airport and prioritize the public safety of Pacoima residents living under the flightpath.
Join the call to shutdown Whiteman airport, show your support by signing the petition today.

The Problem with Whiteman Airport
Join the fight for a safe, sustainable, green and healthy San Fernando Valley. The rate of airplane crashes in our community is alarming. Since 2020, there has been three airplane crashes in our community. Two of which have been fatal. That is why we are demanding that Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors prioritize the public safety of Pacoima residents and immediately Shutdown Whiteman airport.

Sign the Petition to Shutdown Whiteman Airport
We are calling on the county of Los Angeles to shutdown whiteman. For 75 years Whiteman Airport has been more detrimental than beneficial to our community. There has been far too many crashes in the community. Prioritize the public safety of Pacoima residents, shut it down!