LOS ANGELES — As the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference kicks off in Dubai, local community organizations are also launching new efforts to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality, particularly neighborhoods that are most susceptible to high pollution.
SEATTLE – The REI Cooperative Action Fund is making its largest-ever investment, distributing $6.1 million to 264 nonprofit organizations working to create a more equitable outdoors.
Los Angeles – Pacoima Beautiful leads a march and rally in Sun Valley to voice outrage over a methane leak in their community that has existed for more than a year.
A Pacoima nonprofit will be experimenting with an electric vehicle “car-sharing” program as a way to give families in the northeast San Fernando Valley an additional way of getting around.
Pacoima Beautiful es una organización sin fines de lucro enfocada en la justicia ambiental. Además de proveer servicios a los residentes del Valle de San Fernando, educan a niños, adolescentes, adultos y ancianos para que contribuyan positivamente en sus comunidades.
Pacoima Beautiful desea darle las gracias a Sr. Flores quien en vida fue uno de nuestros donadores de frutas locales, desde los inicios del programa Mercado Pacoima.
Pacoima, CA – October 4, 2019, The South Coast Air Quality Management District recognized Pacoima Beautiful’s Youth United Towards Environmental Protection (YUTEP) group as the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s
A medida que aumenta la concientización sobre la importancia del medio ambiente, los métodos de producción de energía que contaminan el aire van caducando y desapareciendo, dando lugar a sistemas de energía renovable.
For 17-year-old Michelle Gutierrez, the youth rally held Friday in downtown Los Angeles and across the nation to raise awareness about the urgency of climate change was deeply personal.
Aside from their cleaning gloves and work badges, the smiles you see above are what all our volunteers and partners were wearing for Pacoima’s first ever Wheelchair Wash and Resource Fair.